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Dufour Aerospace

Contact Details

AddressSeewjinenstrasse 6, CH-3930 Visp, Switzerland
Telephone+41 78 770 50 82

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Aircraft currently in production/development

Dufour Aero2 Uncrewed, aerial, VTOL vehicle with a hybrid-electric propulsion system and an aerodynamically-efficient tilt-wing design. Aero2 is able to transport 40 kg (88 lbs) over a distance of 400 km (215 NM). H-tail with a larger fuselage and wingspan and a wing profile optimised for its likely missions, such as critical goods transport, aerial surveying beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) and public safety applications.
Dufour Aero3 6-8 seater air taxi and medical emergency services aircraft with 6 main motors/propellers and 2 tail motors/propellers. (In development).

News and press releases

24/04/2024NEWS: Dufour picks Mejzlik propeller blades for the Aero2
02/10/2023Press Release: Dufour Aerospace announces selection of Air Energy as partner for battery modules
21/09/2023NEWS: Dufour chooses Plettenberg power for tail thruster
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