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Global aircraft industry recognition for Tufnol Composites with AS 9100 certification
Monday, 11 December 2006

Tufnol Composites Limited of Birmingham - the leading UK manufacturer, machinist and stockist of high performance laminates, composites and engineering plastics - has joined the ranks of a limited number of organisations to have achieved AS 9100 certification, as assessed by BSI Quality Management Systems.

AS 9100 is the quality management standard specifically written for the aerospace industry and is considered to be of vital importance for suppliers to organisations such as Airbus, GKN Aerospace, BAE Systems, Boeing and Rolls Royce.

"Tufnol Composites is very much aware of the benefits that are derived from being an AS 9100 certified company" said Roy Thomason, Managing Director. "We are a medium sized company supplying the giants of the aviation world and we considered it essential that our quality management systems were formally recognised to a level that would be acknowledged by our key global customers.

The management team and all the employees of the company are proud of our AS 9100 certificate achievement".

BSI Team Manager, Mark West visited the company to present the AS 9100 certificate to Harry Singh, Technical /QA Manager and Roy Thomason, Managing Director. Local MP Khalid Mahmood was also present to congratulate the Tufnol Composites' team on their achievement.

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Tufnol Composites Ltd Laminates, Plastic Components
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