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Supply chain directory

Supply chain:  Top | Design | Design Software | Computer-aided Design  +  Worldwide.
Found:  381  results.
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Accuris: ESDU Aircraft Design (U.K.) Reduce the time spent on current projects by using ESDU – engineering data and software that has been approved and endorsed by professional institutions.
Fastems Group (Finland) World leading factory automation and production management software for the machining industries.
FCI Aerospace (U.S.A.) Mission-critical precision flow, level, temperature and pressure sensors and switches for on-board aircraft installations.
3D Contech GmbH & Co KG (Germany)
3D Icom GmbH & Co KG (Germany)
3D Systems (U.S.A.)
AAR Corp (U.S.A.)
AC&E - Applied Computing & Engineering (U.K.)
Accord Global Technology Solutions (India)
Accuris: ESDU Aircraft Design (U.K.)
Ace Technical Plastics (U.S.A.)
Acroflight Ltd. (U.K.)
Actify, Inc. (U.S.A.)
AdaCore (U.S.A.) Airbus A350, Dassault nEUROn
Additive Engineering Solutions (AES) (U.S.A.)
Additive Flow (U.K.)
Advance Manufacturing Co., Inc. (U.S.A.)
Advanced Visual Systems (AVS) (U.S.A.)
Aero Composites Saintonge ACS (France)
AeroCad Design, Inc. (U.S.A.)
Aerocon Joint Stock Co. (Russia)
AeroGen-TEK (U.S.A.)
Aeropup S.L. (Spain)
Aerosoft S.p.A. (Italy)
Aerospace Composites Solutions (was Blackhawk Composites) (U.S.A.)
Aerosystems S.r.l. (Italy)
Aerotecnic (Spain)
AEVA - AECE Group (France)
AGAN Aircraft Industry (Russia)
Airborne Technologies GmbH (Austria)
Aircraft Industries a.s. (Czech Republic)
Airframe Designs (U.K.)
Akkodis (was AKKA Group North America) (Canada)
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