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Quintus Technologies
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Airframer's audience is uniquely valuable. Aircraft manufacturers around the world have ongoing subscriptions to the Airframer web site. They recognise its unique ability to speed the process of identifying potential suppliers, whatever the service, sub-assembly or component in demand.

Tier one suppliers also subscribe, as do companies involved in tooling, composites, electronics, interiors, testing, software, materials, design, manufacturing and consultancy.

Many subscribers select Airframer’s corporate option, which provides unlimited access to all staff at all of their locations by virtue of their network IP addresses.

Individuals responsible for purchasing, management, engineering, research, business development and program management make up the bulk of researchers and subscribers. Together they view well over 100,000 pages every month.

Turning intelligence into new business

For companies providing aerospace manufacturing services, Airframer has made cost-effective advertising possible. Wherever you are in the supply chain – from design software to major assemblies, from fasteners to avionics – you will find an excellent range of advertising opportunities.

Years of experience shows that our advertisers benefit from over 25 times as many click-throughs.

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Expanded entry

Site-wide, cost-effective annual advertising

This is the most popular option, adding a description, logo and scrolling gallery of pictures to the company listing page. Expanded entry advertisers are highlighted in search results and wherever listed in our Index PDF reports, and appear in rotation in our advertiser carousel on the homepage, search page and news front page.

See some examples: • FCI Aerospace    • ULPower Aero Engines NV    • Curtiss-Wright Surface Technologies    • USA Borescopes    • Elaire Corporation

Please log in to download the media kit, access further details and pricing on this page, or contact Brad Wright

Web banners

Masthead banners (landscape format) offer impact advertising on the major navigation pages, while tower banners (portrait format) provide industry-wide prominent banner coverage on the detail listing pages.

Available throughout the site in a variety of sizes on a highly efficient cost-per-impression tariff.

Please log in to download the media kit, access further details and pricing on this page, or contact Brad Wright


Target your specific market, to the exclusion of competitors

For those wishing to closely target advertising investment, each of our 88 supplier sectors and over 1,000 aircraft programs is available to sponsor. This includes banner advertisement, logo and message high on the sector/aircraft page, rotating logo entry on the home page, and a free expanded entry.

Some sectors/aircraft programs are also published as daily-updated Index PDF reports, and sponsored reports are made freely available to all site visitors. They feature the sponsor’s name on the cover, solus full page advertising inside.

Please log in to download the media kit, access further details and pricing on this page, or contact Brad Wright

Email banners

Industry-wide, effective email advertising.

The Airframer weekly news Bulletin goes to over 14,000 aerospace manufacturing professionals, and has just six sought-after banner slots.


Each option will bring your company to the attention of buyers and specifiers in aerospace’s biggest spending organisations.

Brad Wright Please log in to download the media kit, and see details and pricing on this page, or contact Brad Wright on +44 (0)1279 714521, by email, or by completing the form below.

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