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Supply chain directory

Supply chain:  Top | Components | Actuation | Electromechanical Actuators  +  Worldwide.
Found:  67  results.
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AMETEK PDS (U.S.A.) Global design and manufacturer of components and systems to the aerospace & defense industry for over 90 years.
Aero Fluid Products (U.S.A.)
Aero Space Controls Corp. (U.S.A.)
AeroControlex (U.S.A.)
AeroKool Aviation Corp. (U.S.A.)
AMETEK Airtechnology Group (U.K.) Leonardo AW169
AMETEK PDS (U.S.A.) Dornier Seawings Seastar, Pilatus PC-24
Beaver Aerospace & Defense, Inc. (U.S.A.) Embraer EMB-314 Super Tucano
BVR Technologies (U.S.A.)
CESA / Heroux Devtek Spain (Spain)
CIRCOR Aerospace Products Group (U.S.A.)
Collins Aerospace, Actuation Systems (Italy)
Collins Aerospace, Mechanical Systems (U.S.A.) Cessna Citation Longitude, Dassault 7X
Collins Aerospace, Mechanical Systems - Actuation (France)
Collins Aerospace, Mechanical Systems - Actuation (U.K.) Boeing 787 Dreamliner
Collins Aerospace, Mechanical Systems - Actuation (U.K.) Linked to eight programs
Curtiss-Wright Flight Systems (U.S.A.) Eviation Alice, Pilatus PC-24
Curtiss-Wright Sensors & Controls HQ (U.S.A.)
Eaton (U.S.A.)
Eaton Aerospace, Actuation Systems Division (U.S.A.) Linked to six programs
ECE (France)
Electromech Technologies (U.S.A.) Linked to 14 programs
Elektro-Metall Export (Germany) Linked to six programs
Flexial Corporation (U.S.A.)
GE Aviation Australia (Australia)
GE Aviation Systems - Rockford (U.S.A.)
Hanwha Group (South Korea) Vertical Aerospace VX4
Harter Aerospace (U.S.A.)
Honeywell Aerospace, Sensing & Control (U.K) Archer Midnight, eSTOL
Honeywell Unmanned Aerial Systems and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) (U.S.A.)
Hummingbird Aero LLC (U.S.A.)
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