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Supply chain directory

Supply chain:  Top | Components | Actuation | Linear Actuators  +  Worldwide.
Found:  64  results.
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AMETEK PDS (U.S.A.) Global design and manufacturer of components and systems to the aerospace & defense industry for over 90 years.
ABSSAC Limited (U.K.)
Aero Fluid Products (U.S.A.)
Aero Space Controls Corp. (U.S.A.)
Aerotech GmbH (Germany)
Aerotech Ltd. (U.K.)
Aerotech, Inc. (U.S.A.)
Allen Aircraft Products Inc. (U.S.A.)
Asco Industries N.V (Belgium)
Astronics PGA (France)
Beaver Aerospace & Defense, Inc. (U.S.A.) Linked to four programs
Beijing Emerging Eastern Aviation Equipment Co. Ltd. (China)
Buehler Motor Aviation GmbH (was Dornier Technologie) (Germany)
CEF Industries Inc. (U.S.A.) Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey
Collins Aerospace, Mechanical Systems (U.S.A.) Gulfstream G650
Collins Aerospace, Mechanical Systems - Actuation (U.K.) Airbus Helicopters H175
Crane Aerospace Cabin Systems (P.L.Porter) (U.S.A.) Airbus A320
Curtiss-Wright Controls - EM Technologies (Novatronics) (Canada)
Curtiss-Wright Sensors & Controls HQ (U.S.A.)
Ducommun LaBarge Technologies (U.S.A.)
Ducommun, Inc. (Mexico)
EADmotors, Eastern Air Devices Inc. (U.S.A.)
Eaton Aerospace, Actuation Systems Division (U.S.A.)
Eaton Ltd (U.K.)
Electromech Technologies (U.S.A.)
Elektro-Metall Export (Germany) Airbus A350
Firstmark Aerospace Corporation (U.S.A.)
GE Aviation (Mechanical Systems LA) (U.S.A.) Embraer E-Jet 170/190 series
Hanwha Group (South Korea) Boeing 787 Dreamliner, Vertical Aerospace VX4
Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions (U.S.A.)
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