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Environmental Systems

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AMETEK PDS (U.S.A.)Global design and manufacturer of components and systems to the aerospace & defense industry for over 90 years.
FCI Aerospace (U.S.A.)Mission-critical precision flow, level, temperature and pressure sensors and switches for on-board aircraft installations.

Supply chain relationships

Sectors serving Environmental Systems companies:
Mechanical Connectors  •  Valves  •  Plastics  •  Non-metal Materials  •  Chemicals  •  Sensors, Transducers & Detectors  •  Mechanical Components  •  Oxygen Systems & Equipment  •  Electrical Power Systems  •  Safety & Security Systems  •  Composites  •  Adhesives  •  Non-Mechanical Components  •  Fasteners  •  Electrical/Electronic Connectors  •  Electrical Components  •  Actuation  •  Bearings  •  Passive Electronic Components  •  Active Electronic Components  •  Batteries & Accessories  •  Switches  •  Design Software  •  Non-Destructive Testing  •  Design  •  Metals  •  Power Transmission  •  Computer Integrated Manufacturing  •  Computer-Aided Testing  •  Fibre Optics  •  Heat Treatment  •  Production Equipment  •  Surface Treatment  •  Tooling  •  Tools  •  Coatings  •  Lubricants  •  Manufacturing Services  •  Machining  •  Handling Equipment  •  Security  •  Technical Consultants  •  Marketing  •  Professional Services  •  Facilities Services  •  Buildings  •  Trade Organisations  •  Personnel & Training

Environmental Systems

Sectors purchasing from Environmental Systems companies:
Airframer  •  Cabin Interiors  •  Airframe Assemblies  •  Oxygen Systems & Equipment