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Supply chain:  Top | Components | Sensors, Transducers & Detectors  +  Worldwide.
Found:  299  results.
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FCI Aerospace (U.S.A.) Mission-critical precision flow, level, temperature and pressure sensors and switches for on-board aircraft installations.
S. Himmelstein and Co. (U.S.A.) Highly accurate torque sensors and transducers for the Aerospace & Defense industry since 1960.
4Front Solutions, LLC (U.S.A.) Sensors/Transducers
Abaco Systems - 4DSP (U.S.A.) Temperature Detectors
Advanced NDT Limited (U.K.) Leak Detectors
Aero Space Controls Corp. (U.S.A.) Temperature Detectors
Aerosonic Corporation (U.S.A.) Sensors/Transducers
Aerospace Control Products, Inc. (U.S.A.) Flow Meters
Aerosystems S.r.l. (Italy) Sensors/Transducers, Tachometer Generators
Ahlers Aerospace, Inc. (U.S.A.) Tachometer Generators
Air Data Inc. (Canada) Sensors/Transducers
Air Precision (Cobham) (France) Position/Displacement Detectors
Aircraft Appliances & Equipment Ltd. (Canada) Tachometer Generators
All Precision Systems (APS) (France) Liquid Level Sensors
Allen Aircraft Products Inc. (U.S.A.) Liquid Level Sensors, Magnetic Chip Detectors, Sensors/Transducers
Althen GmbH Mess- und Sensortechnik (Germany) Sensors/Transducers
AMBelgium n.v. (Belgium) Induction Sensors
American Aerospace Controls, Inc. (AAC) (U.S.A.) Transducers
AMETEK Aerospace & Defense (U.S.A.) Flow Meters, Pressure Detectors, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature Detectors, Transducers
AMETEK Airtechnology Group (U.K.) Angular Sensors, Shaft Encoders, Synchro Resolvers
Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp. (AEM) (Canada) Crack Detectors
Ansonics, Inc. (U.S.A.) Leak Detectors
Applied Avionics, Inc. (U.S.A.) Voltage Detectors
Applied Measurement Australia Pty. Ltd. (Australia) Tilt Sensors, Transducers
Applied Research Products Ltd. (Canada) Flow Meters
Applied Sensor Technologies (U.S.A.) Temperature Detectors
ARi Industries Inc. (U.S.A.) Temperature Detectors
Armstrong Monitoring Corp. (Canada) Gas Detectors, Leak Detectors
Aspen Avionics Inc. (U.S.A.) Sensors/Transducers
Autoflug GmbH & Co. (Germany) Liquid Level Sensors
Auxitrol Weston (France) Pressure Detectors, Temperature Detectors
Auxitrol Weston CA (U.S.A.) Sensors/Transducers, Temperature Detectors
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