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Supply chain directory

Supply chain:  Top | Materials  +  Worldwide.
Found:  1727  results.
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AC Products, Inc. (U.S.A.) A global solutions leader in aerospace peelable coatings technology.
Curtiss-Wright Surface Technologies (U.K.) CWST, leaders in surface treatment. Protecting and life extension of your critical components throughout any crisis!
PPG Engineered Materials (Dexmet Corporation) (U.S.A.) Dexmet MicroGrid® an innovative product line that help improve the composite aircraft withstand the rigors of a lightning strike.
Rhenus Lub GmbH (Germany) Rhenus Lub combines safety, performance and economy with the highest quality standards. Its metalworking fluids have numerous approvals from leading aviation companies.
Toray Advanced Composites (U.S.A.) Toray Advanced Composites provides advanced composite tooling materials including a comprehensive series of epoxy tooling prepregs.
Toray Composite Materials America, Inc. (U.S.A.) Toray Composite Materials America, Inc. is manufacturer of the renowned TORAYCA™ carbon fiber and thermoset prepreg materials.
2KM (UK) Limited (U.K.) Composites
3A Composites Core Materials- Airex AG (Switzerland) Composites
3Chem Corp. (U.S.A.) Coatings
3D Icom GmbH & Co KG (Germany) Composites, Plastics
3D Systems Leuven (Belgium) Metals
3M (U.S.A.) Adhesives
3M (Ceradyne) (U.S.A.) Composites
3M (UK) plc (U.K.) Adhesives, Chemicals, Coatings, Composites, Non-metal Materials
3M Aerospace (U.S.A.) Adhesives, Chemicals
3M Aerospace Sealants (U.S.A.) Non-metal Materials
3M France (France) Adhesives, Composites
3M Industrial Adhesives Division (U.S.A.) Adhesives
3P Performance Plastics Products (France) Non-metal Materials
3T additive manufacturing limited (was 3T RPD Ltd.) (U.K.) Metals
4M Industries, Inc. (U.S.A.) Metals
5M s.r.o. (Czech Republic) Adhesives, Composites
9T Labs (Switzerland) Composites, Plastics
A. Schulman Engineered Composites (Germany) Chemicals, Coatings, Composites
A.E.D. Metal Products (U.S.A.) Metals
A.S.A.P. Technologies, Inc. (U.S.A.) Adhesives, Chemicals, Coatings, Composites, Lubricants, Metals, Non-metal Materials, Plastics
A.T. Wall (U.S.A.) Metals
A&A Coatings - Thermal Spray Coatings (U.S.A.) Coatings
A&G Precision and Sons Ltd. (U.K.) Metals
Aalberts surface technologies Eindhoven (was Heat & Surface Treatment B.V.) (Netherlands) Coatings
Aalberts Surface Technologies GmbH (Germany) Coatings
Aalberts Surface Technologies Ltd (was Acorn Surface Technology) (U.K.) Coatings
AAR Mobility Systems (U.S.A.) Composites
AAT Composites (Pty) Ltd (South Africa) Composites, Plastics
AB Aero Partners (U.S.A.) Composites
ABA Water Systems Inc. (U.S.A.) Chemicals
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