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Belmont Patino

Lift typeFixed wing
Construction typeFactory-built
Control typePiloted
Engine typePiston
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The fuselage of this metal aircraft has a duralumin cover and duralumin reinforcements. The cabin is fitted with organic glass in a composite frame and the pilot seats are made of composite sandwich. The wing is metal, finished with composite end arches.

The horizontal tail is formed by a stabiliser and a rudder. The stabiliser is a two-beam metal shell with composite end bends. The rudder construction is all metal.

The vertical tail consists of a keel of two-beam construction and metal rudder composed of beam, ribs and cover. The end of the keel and rudder is composed of composite arches.

The aircraft has a double hand control mechanical drawbar for elevator and ailerons. The foot control of the rudder is also dual and is rope. Steel cables are suspended between the inner pedals and the eyes of the rudder control pattern located on the keel.

The aircraft has a solid three wheel landing gear with steerable nose wheel. The main chassis wheels are equipped with hydraulic brakes controlled by the brake lever from the cab.

Type variants

Variant Launch/First flight Production end  
Belmont DW 210 RG / 2020 Upgraded retractable landing gear variant.
Belmont DW 200 2018 / 2018 Two-seater lightplane, also known as Patino Classic.

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  (44 links)
Airframe Systems Landing Assemblies (1) Safety & Security Systems (3)
Avionics Communications (Airborne) (7) Flight and Data Management (5) Indicators and Instruments (6) Navigation Aids (Airborne) (1)
Power Systems Engine Components (3) Engines (2) Rotors & Propellers (8)
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Airframe Systems / Landing Assemblies

Beringer Aero (was Beringer SA) Analysis Aircraft Wheels: Optional wheels (DW 200); Brake System Components: Optional brake system (DW 200)

Airframe Systems / Safety & Security Systems

BRS Aerospace Analysis Whole Aircraft Parachutes: Optional BRS 7 ballistic recovery parachute (DW 200)
Galaxy GRS s.r.o. Analysis Whole Aircraft Parachutes: GRS 6/600 SD ballistic recovery parachute (DW 200)
Magnum Ballistic Parachutes, LLC Analysis Whole Aircraft Parachutes: Optional Magnum 501/601 ballistic recovery parachute (DW 200)

Avionics / Communications (Airborne)

Becker Avionics GmbH Analysis Radio Communications Equipment: Optional RT6201 radio (DW 200)
Dynon Avionics, Inc. Analysis Radar Transponders: Optional SV-XPNDR-262 Mode S Class 2 transponder (DW 200)
f.u.n.k.e. Avionics GmbH Analysis Radio Communications Equipment: Optional ATR833 radio (DW 200); Radar Transponders: Optional TRT 800LCD Mode S transponder (DW 200)
Garmin International Analysis Radar Transponders: Optional GTX 45R, GTX 335, GTX 345R, or GTX 328 radar transponders (DW 200); Radio Communications Equipment: Optional GNC 355A nav/com, or GNC 255A nav/com/vor, and GTR 225A radio (DW 200); Onboard Intercom Systems: Optional GMA 245 audio panel (DW 200)
Icom America Inc Analysis Transceivers: Optional IC-A220T or IC-A210 COMM radio (DW 200)
PS Engineering, Inc. Analysis Onboard Intercom Systems: Optional PM3000 intercom (DW 200)
Trig Avionics Analysis Radar Transponders: Optional TT21 Mode S transponder (DW 200); Radio Communications Equipment: Optional TY91 VHF radio (DW 200)

Avionics / Flight and Data Management

Auto & Aero Technologies Analysis Avionics Management Systems: Optional integrated avionics system (DW 200)
Dynon Avionics, Inc. Analysis Autopilots: Optional autopilot servo/interface (DW 200)
Flybox Avionics Analysis Autopilots: Optional autopilot (DW 200)
Garmin International Analysis Autopilots: Optional GMC 507 control module (DW 200)
TruTrak, part of BendixKing Analysis Autopilots: Optional xCruze system (DW 200)

Avionics / Indicators and Instruments

Davtron Inc. Analysis Clocks: M800 digital clock (DW 200)
Dynon Avionics, Inc. Analysis Electronic Flight Instrument Systems: Optional SkyView SV-HDX1100/A, D100, or SkyView SV-D1000T/A EFIS (DW 200)
Garmin International Analysis Electronic Flight Instrument Systems: Optional G5, or G3X suite (DW 200)
Kanardia Analysis Electronic Flight Instrument Systems: Optional Aetos or Nesis III EFIS (DW 200); Attitude and Heading Reference Systems: Optional Horis 80 AD-AHRS (DW 200); Radar/Radio Altimeters: Optional FI80 standalone altimeter (DW 200); Vertical Speed Indicators: Optional Vario FI 80 VSI (DW 200)
LX Navigation d.o.o. Analysis Electronic Flight Instrument Systems: Optional IRIS all-in-one 57/80 EFIS (DW 200)
uAvionix Corporation Analysis Electronic Flight Instrument Systems: Optional AV-20/30 EFIS (DW 200)

Avionics / Navigation Aids (Airborne)

Garmin International Analysis GPS: Optional Garmin GPS 760 or AERA 500/660 GPS (DW 200)

Power Systems / Engine Components

Dynon Avionics, Inc. Analysis Engine Health Monitoring: Optional SV-EMS-220/A engine monitor (DW 200)
Flybox Avionics Analysis Engine Health Monitoring: Optional Vigilus EIS (DW 200)
Kanardia Analysis Engine Health Monitoring: Optional Emsis 80 or Emsis 3.5 EMS (DW 200)

Power Systems / Engines

BRP-Rotax GmbH & Co KG Analysis Piston Engines: (R912 Series - Belmont DW 200 - Optional Rotax 912 iS/UL/ULS R914 Series - Belmont DW 200 - Optional Rotax 914 UL2 )
ULPower Aero Engines NV Analysis Piston Engines: (UL350 - Belmont DW 200 - UL350iS )

Power Systems / Rotors & Propellers

Airmaster Propellers Analysis Composite Propellers: Optional AP533CTF-WWR68A three-blade propeller (DW 200)
DUC Hélices Propellers Analysis Composite Propellers: Optional three-blade inflight adjustable or ground adjustable constant speed Flashback propeller (DW 200)
E-Props Analysis Composite Propellers: Optional three-blade propeller or GLOR-3-175-C8-T propeller (DW 200)
Fiti Design s.r.o. Analysis Composite Propellers: Optional three-blade Eco Competition propeller (DW 200)
FP Propeller Srl Analysis Composite Propellers: Optional VPH3-TH-MS or VPH3-TE-MS three-blade propeller (DW 200)
MT-Propeller Entwicklung GmbH Analysis Composite Propellers: Optional MT-34-1-A/175-200 three-blade propeller (DW 200)
Neuform Composite Propellers Analysis Composite Propellers: Optional three-blade constant speed propeller (DW 200)
Woodcomp sro Analysis Wooden Propellers: Optional SR 3000 constant speed propeller (DW 200)
Information on this page is compiled from a variety of published sources, and links do not necessarily imply recommendation or confirmation by the airframe manufacturer.