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American Legend Cub

This page lists recent changes to Airframer's data relating to this aircraft program.

08/01/2025Hartzell Propeller (linked to Rotors & Propellers: Optional Pathfinder propeller)
16/10/2024Catto Propellers (linked to Rotors & Propellers: Composite propeller)
16/10/2024AeroLEDs (linked to Lighting: Optional WigWag landing lights)
16/10/2024Garmin International (linked to Communications (Airborne): Optional GDL 50R or GDL 50 3D)
16/10/2024Garmin International (linked to Flight and Data Management: Optional 2-axis autopilot with GMC 307 control panel)
16/10/2024J.P. Instruments Inc. (linked to Indicators and Instruments: Opional EDM 350 engine monitor)
16/10/2024BOSE B.V. (linked to Aircraft Operations: Optional A20 headset)
16/10/2024Garmin International (linked to Sensors, Transducers & Detectors: Optional GMU 11 magnetometer)
16/10/2024Beringer Aero (was Beringer SA) (linked to Landing Assemblies: Optional brakes)
16/10/2024Beringer Aero (was Beringer SA) (linked to Landing Assemblies: Optional wheels)
16/10/2024PK Floats, Inc. (linked to Landing Assemblies: Optional PK 2050 or 2050A floats)
16/10/2024Trig Avionics (linked to Communications (Airborne): Optional TY91 VHF radio)
16/10/2024Trig Avionics (linked to Communications (Airborne): Optional TT22 Mode S transponder)
16/10/2024Trig Avionics (linked to Navigation Aids (Airborne): Optional TN72 GPS)
16/10/2024Dynon Avionics, Inc. (linked to Engine Components: Optional EMS-D10 engine monitor)
16/10/2024Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd. (link to Engines)
16/10/2024Dynon Avionics, Inc. (link to Indicators and Instruments: Optional FlightDEK-D180 EFIS & engine monitor, or EFIS-D1000)
16/10/2024Continental Aerospace Technologies (link to Engines)
16/10/2024Garmin International (link to Indicators and Instruments: Optional G3X or G5 suite)
16/10/2024Grove Aircraft Landing Gear Systems Inc. (link to Landing Assemblies: Optional wheels & brakes (Super Legend); optional brake calipers)
16/10/2024PS Engineering, Inc. (link to Communications (Airborne): Optional PM1200 intercom)
16/10/2024Garmin International (link to Communications (Airborne): Optional SL40 VHF or GTR 20 radio)
16/10/2024Garmin International (link to Communications (Airborne): Optional GTX 326 Mode C, GTX 330 Mode S, or GTX 345 transponders)
16/10/2024Garmin International (link to Navigation Aids (Airborne): Optional MAP 396/496 GPS, AREA 660/760, or GTN 625XI)
16/10/2024TrickAir (link to Landing Assemblies: Optional wheel penetration skis)
16/10/2024Superior Air Parts, Inc. (link to Engines)

Information on this page is compiled from a variety of sources, and links do not necessarily imply recommendation or confirmation by the airframe manufacturer.