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Boeing 777

This page lists recent changes to Airframer's data relating to this aircraft program.

13/12/2024Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH (linked to Valves: Fuel tank pressure regulating valves (777-200LR))
13/12/2024Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH (linked to Actuation: Folding wing tip actuation including hydraulic motor, power drive unit, fold subsystem, latch pin actuator and secondary lock actuator (777X) )
13/12/2024Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH (link to Airframe Assemblies: Main gear steering control unit, nose gear steering position transducer (777/777X))
12/11/2024Honeywell and Curtiss-Wright develop cockpit voice recorders to help Boeing, Airbus meet new 25-hour safety mandate (press release)
05/11/2024Parker Meggitt Avionics (link to Indicators and Instruments: ISFD)
05/11/2024Toray Composite Materials America, Inc. (link to Composites: Prepreg material, including for wing)
05/11/2024BAE Systems, Aircraft Control (link to Active Electronic Components: Actuator control electronics)
05/11/2024GE Aerospace Engines (link to Engines: GE90-77B, GE90-94B on earlier versions)
05/11/2024Collins Aerospace, Air Management (Nord-Micro) (link to Environmental Systems: Ventilation control systems)
05/11/2024Pratt & Whitney Large Commercial Engines (link to Engines)
05/11/2024Moog Controls (UK) (link to Flight and Data Management: Primary flight controls)
05/11/2024GE Aviation Electrical Power (Dayton) (link to Electrical Power Systems: Electrical load management system)
05/11/2024Collins Aerospace, Power & Controls Division (link to Environmental Systems: Environmental control system)
05/11/2024Kaman Aerosystems (link to Airframe Assemblies: Wing fixed trailing edge)
05/11/2024Honeywell Aerospace (link to Auxiliary Power: 331-500 APU)
05/11/2024Honeywell Aerospace, Electronic Systems (link to Imaging and Visual Systems: IntuVue advanced weather radar)
05/11/2024Leonardo Aeronautics (Alenia) (link to Airframe Assemblies: Radome)
05/11/2024Leonardo Aeronautics (Alenia) (link to Airframe Assemblies: Outboard flap)
05/11/2024Collins Aerospace, Electric Power Systems (link to Electrical Power Systems: Integrated drive generators & generator control units)
05/11/2024Kaman Aerospace Aerostructures (link to Airframe Assemblies: Fixed trailing edge assemblies)
05/11/2024Héroux-Devtek Inc. (link to Landing Assemblies: Complete landing gear system (777 & 777X) including the main and nose landing gear, and nose landing gear drag strut)
05/11/2024Nabtesco Aerospace (link to Actuation: Control surface actuators)
05/11/2024Honeywell Aerospace, Aircraft Landing Systems (link to Landing Assemblies: Carbenix 4000 mainwheel brakes)
05/11/2024Honeywell Aerospace (USA) (link to Environmental Systems: Smart-valve CPCS)
05/11/2024Honeywell Aerospace Electric Power Systems (link to Power Transmission: Ram air turbine)
05/11/2024Honeywell Aerospace, Sensor & Guidance Products (link to Navigation Aids (Airborne): Air Data Inertial Reference System (ADIRS))
05/11/2024Honeywell Aerospace, Electronic Systems (link to Warning Systems: Traffic/Aircraft Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS/ACAS))
05/11/2024Honeywell Aerospace (link to Flight and Data Management: Airplane Information Management System (AIMS))
05/11/2024Honeywell Aerospace (link to Indicators and Instruments: Flat panel multipurpose colour LCD cockpit display)
05/11/2024Honeywell Aerospace (link to Communications (Airborne): Satellite Communications (SATCOM) high speed digital voice & data communications)
05/11/2024Collins Aerospace, Avionics Division (link to Flight and Data Management: Triple redundant digital autopilot)
05/11/2024GE Aviation, Digital & Electrical Power (link to Indicators and Instruments: Ultrasonic fuel quantity gauging system)
05/11/2024Boeing Fredrickson (link to Airframe Assemblies: Horizontal stabiliser and vertical fin )
05/11/2024Elbit Systems Ltd (link to Structural Components: Supply of largest Main Deck Cargo Door (MDCD) (777F/777-8F))
04/11/2024Nippi Corporation Aerospace Division (linked to Structural Components: Wing-in-spar ribs and stub beams)
04/11/2024Nippi Corporation Aerospace Division (linked to Airframe Assemblies: Landing gear doors)
04/11/2024Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation (link to Airframe Assemblies: Aft fuselage panel)
04/11/2024Subaru Corp (Fuji Heavy Industries) (link to Airframe Assemblies: Centre wing section)
04/11/2024Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation (link to Airframe Assemblies: Tail fuselage)
04/11/2024Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation (link to Airframe Assemblies: Entry doors)
04/11/2024Kawasaki Aerospace (link to Airframe Assemblies: Forward & mid fuselage)
04/11/2024Dassault Systemes (link to Design Software: CATIA design software)
04/11/2024Toray Industries, Inc. (link to Composites: Composites for wings)
04/11/2024AVIC SAC Commercial Aircraft Company Ltd (link to Airframe Assemblies: Composite empennage tips)
04/11/2024Boeing Tianjin Composites (BTC) (link to Composites: Flight deck panels, fixed leading edge panels, dry-bay barrier)
04/11/2024ShinMaywa Industries Ltd. (Aircraft Division) (link to Airframe Assemblies: Composite wing-to-body fairings)
04/11/2024Kawasaki Aerospace (link to Airframe Assemblies: Cargo doors)
29/10/2024TIGHITCO awarded multi-year, multi-platform contract from Boeing Commercial (press release)

Information on this page is compiled from a variety of sources, and links do not necessarily imply recommendation or confirmation by the airframe manufacturer.