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Heart ES-30

This page lists recent changes to Airframer's data relating to this aircraft program.

26/11/2024Heart Aerospace to conduct first fully electric experimental flight in Plattsburgh, NY (press release)
19/09/2024Heart reveals innovative hybrid-electric demonstrator (news)
16/08/2024Dassault Systemes (linked to Design Software: CATIA design software)
16/08/2024Latécoère (linked to Airframe Assemblies: Design of doors)
16/08/2024Garmin International (linked to Indicators and Instruments: G5000 EFIS)
16/08/2024Aernnova Aerospace (link to Airframe Assemblies: Design of empennages)
16/08/2024Aernnova Aerospace (link to Airframe Assemblies: Design of wings)
16/08/2024Aernnova Aerospace (link to Airframe Assemblies: Design of fuselage)
16/08/2024BAE Systems Electronic Systems (link to Batteries & Accessories)

Information on this page is compiled from a variety of sources, and links do not necessarily imply recommendation or confirmation by the airframe manufacturer.