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Update tracker eSTOL

This page lists recent changes to Airframer's data relating to this aircraft program.

20/11/2024Electra reveals design for EL9 hybrid-electric aircraft (news)
03/10/2024Axalp Technologies AG (linked to Design: Design of fuselage and tail (EL-2))
03/10/2024Axalp Technologies AG (linked to Rotors & Propellers: Custom propellers in hybrid propulsion system (EL-2))
23/09/2024Electra conducts multiple flight demonstrations of Ultra Short Aircraft for U.S. military (press release)
07/08/2024Electra’s eSTOL Goldfinch is first piloted electric aircraft to fly at NASA’s Langley Research Center (press release)
31/07/2024Electra specifies Honeywell for key flight technology (news)
25/07/2024Honeywell Aerospace (linked to Airframe Assemblies: Compact fly-by-wire flight control computer (eSTOL))
25/07/2024Honeywell Aerospace, Sensing & Control (linked to Actuation: Electromechanical actuation systems (eSTOL))

Information on this page is compiled from a variety of sources, and links do not necessarily imply recommendation or confirmation by the airframe manufacturer.