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SyberJet SJ30

This page lists recent changes to Airframer's data relating to this aircraft program.

29/01/2025PCX Aerosystems, CA (was Integral Aerospace) (linked to Landing Assemblies: Retractable tricycle landing gear)
29/01/2025Honeywell Aerospace (linked to Communications (Airborne): KTR 2280 radio (SJ30))
29/01/2025Honeywell Aerospace (linked to Communications (Airborne): KXP 2290A Mode S transponder (SJ30))
29/01/2025BendixKing (linked to Navigation Aids (Airborne): KN 63 DME (SJ30))
29/01/2025Honeywell Aerospace (linked to Indicators and Instruments: KRA 405B radar altimeter (SJ30))
29/01/2025Honeywell Aerospace (linked to Indicators and Instruments: AH 1000 AHRS (SJ30))
29/01/2025Honeywell Aerospace (linked to Navigation Aids (Airborne): Laseref VI inertial reference navigation systems (SJ30))
29/01/2025Honeywell Aerospace (linked to Warning Systems: EGPWS (SJ30))
29/01/2025Honeywell Aerospace (linked to Imaging and Visual Systems: SmartView synthetic vision system (SJ30/SJ30i))
29/01/2025Honeywell Aerospace (linked to Indicators and Instruments: INAV moving map (SJ30/SJ30i))
29/01/2025LifePort, Inc. (linked to Cabin Interiors: (SJ30 Air Ambulence))
29/01/2025Williams International Co., LLC (link to Engines)
29/01/2025Honeywell Aerospace (link to Indicators and Instruments: Core avionics for SyberVision glass panel cockpit include Primus Epic 2.0 (SJ130i) or Primus Epic 2000 (early SJ30) with SmartRunway and SmartLanding advisory functions)
29/01/2025L3Harris (was L3 Aviation Products) (link to Indicators and Instruments: GH-3900 electronic standby instrument system (SJ30); ADC-4000 air data computer; MAG-3000 magnetometer)

Information on this page is compiled from a variety of sources, and links do not necessarily imply recommendation or confirmation by the airframe manufacturer.