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Aircraft currently in production/development

Phenix-Air-Corp Pleasure-Serval MD10 Two-seat tandem leasure ultralight monoplane produced by Phenix-Air-Corp. Aeronautical steel tube for the safety cage, with composite fuselage and wings riveted in aluminium.
Phenix-Air-Corp Seaplane-Transat MD03 Single-seat, ultralight French amphibious seaplace produced by Phenix-Air-Corp. Combines composite and aeronautical aluminium strucutre. Supplied as a complete ready-to-fly aircraft. Extraordinary performance on the water, 360° vision for the pilot.
Phenix-Air-Corp Travel-Sherpa MD07 Side-by-side two-seater leisure ultralight biplane produced by Phenix-Air-Corp. Aeronautical steel tubing for the fuselafe and aluminium covered wings. Configured for two-person travel with very wide cabin.
Phenix-Air-Corp Work-Airland MD04 Two-seat tandem biplane ultralight sport aircraft produced by Phenix-Air-Corp. Combines composite and aeronaturical aluminium structure for the wings.

Client aircraft programs

Phenix-Air-Corp Seaplane-Transat MD03 ●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●● Why is this obscured?
Phenix-Air-Corp Travel-Sherpa MD07 ●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●
Phenix-Air-Corp Work-Airland MD04 ●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●

News and press releases

15/03/2023Press Release: Ideanomics subsidiary Energica announces new partnerships to develop all-electric solutions for aviation
Paid subscribers can see the full news archive for Phenix-Air-Corp. Buy a subscription and log in for access.


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