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Leonardo AW609 | Airframer | Leonardo Helicopters

26/06/2024Press Release:
AW609 tiltrotor successfully completes first ship trial campaign
24/06/2024Press Release:
Leonardo meets Italian trade unions and announces the consolidation of the process of diversifying its Grottaglie production site

First production AW609 tiltrotor takes flight

Designated AC5, the aircraft took to the air at Leonardo's Philadelphia-based site on 13th October performing as expected the initial in-flight evaluation of systems and general handling.

27/12/2019Press Release:
AW609 tiltrotor in final production configuration flies in Philadelphia
29/04/2019Press Release:
AW609 tiltrotor at Leonardo’s Philadelphia plant.
AW609 program enters new phase with first production aircraft starting final assembly in Philadelphia

Showing the most recent five of 18 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.