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Airbus C295 | Airframer | Airbus Defence & Space HQ

The C295 has successfully completed its first flight.

Multiple technologies take to the air aboard Airbus's FTB2

FTB2's advantages also extend into the manufacturing process, from the use of Scalmalloy and additive manufacturing, to a new assembly method for the aero structures of the wing.

The IAF becomes the 35th C295 operator worldwide, with the programme reaching 278 aircraft, 200 of which are already in operation and have booked more than half a million flight-hours.

India opts to replace AVRO fleet with C295s

With a capability of operating from short or unprepared airstrips, the C295 is used for tactical transport of up to 71 troops or 50 paratroopers and for operations to locations that are not accessible to heavier aircraft.

04/05/2021Press Release:
The C295 FITS mission system was successfully operated by ground-based crews. (Photo: Airbus)
Airbus demonstrates C295 FITS mission system operated by ground-based crews
14/09/2016Press Release:
First Airbus C295W for Brazilian Air Force Search and Rescue missions makes its maiden flight
08/09/2016Press Release:
Airbus Defence and Space and Pratt & Whitney Canada mark delivery of 400th PW127G engine

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