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Boeing X-66A | Airframer | Boeing Commercial Airplanes

07/03/2024Press Release:
Artist’s concept of the X-66 aircraft that Boeing will produce through NASA’s Sustainable Flight Demonstrator project.
New look at NASA, Boeing sustainable experimental airliner
The striking X-66A design.

RTX businesses join the X-66A program team

Boeing's X-66A program is focused on developing the Transonic Truss-Braced Wing (TTBW) concept, which could enable significant improvements in fuel efficiency and reduced emissions for next gen single-aisle aircraft.

17/08/2023Press Release:
Boeing will modify this MD-90 to test the Transonic Truss-Braced Wing configuration as part of NASA’s Sustainable Flight Demonstrator project. (NASA photo) (PRNewsfoto/Boeing)
Airplane arrives at Boeing site for X-66A modification
25/07/2023Press Release:
NASA and Boeing unveiled the new X-66A livery at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. (Image: Boeing)
U.S. Airlines to support NASA-Boeing Sustainable Flight Demonstrator Project