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Boeing 737 | Airframer | Boeing Defense, Space & Security

Norway’s first P-8A Poseidon aircraft arrives by rail car in Renton, Washington, ready for final assembly.

First P-8A fuselage for Norway joins the production line

Norway is expected to receive its first P-8 later this year. In total, five P-8s will eventually replace Norway's current fleet of six P-3 Orions and three Falcon 20s. The first fuselage has arrived in Renton.

29/09/2014Press Release:
Boeing to consolidate defense services and support work in Oklahoma City and St. Louis
11/07/2012Press Release:
Boeing P-8I begins flight test program
29/09/2011Press Release:
Boeing P-8I aircraft completes 1st flight
19/07/2011Press Release:
Boeing P-8A Poseidon production aircraft completes 1st flight

Showing the most recent five of 29 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.