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Dassault 2000 series | Flight and Data Management | Dassault Aviation

04/05/2023Press Release:
Dassault celebrates 60 years of Falcon business jets, as advanced new models prepare to take the stage
21/05/2017Press Release:
Dassault selects Honeywell's JetWave high-speed connectivity option for Falcon fleet
18/03/2013Press Release:
Dassault's new Falcon 2000S and Falcon 2000LXS earn EASA certification
23/05/2012Press Release:
Falcon 2000S expected to beat initial performance targets
11/06/2010Press Release:
Dassault's Falcon 2000EX EASy series receives EASA and FAA approval for autobrake feature

Showing the most recent five of 6 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.