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Airbus Helicopters Racer | Airframer | Airbus Helicopters

23/07/2024Press Release:
Airbus Racer speeds past 400 km/h

The fast and frugal Racer takes to the air

The aircraft flew for about 30 minutes, allowing the flight test team to check its overall behaviour. The Racer builds upon the aerodynamic configuration validated by the Airbus Helicopters X3 technology demonstrator.

14/04/2021Press Release:
The assembly of the Racer high-speed demonstrator has begun.
The Racer programme reaches cruise speed
02/10/2019Press Release:
Airbus Helicopters and EASA combine efforts to bring the next generation of VTOL platforms to life
16/10/2018Press Release:
Airbus Helicopters Racer (Rapid And Cost-Efficient Rotorcraft) technology demonstrator.
Racer high-speed demonstrator passes preliminary design review milestone

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