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Beechcraft Denali | Airframer | Textron Aviation (Beechcraft)

06/05/2024Press Release:
Beechcraft Denali advances certification plans with successful avionics testing
24/07/2023Press Release:
Beechcraft Denali makes show debut at EAA AirVenture
The Denali flight test certification program features three flight test aircraft.

Textron builds Garmin's autoland into the Denali

The new feature is being implemented into the aircraft's development and flight test program and will be available as a standard feature at time of entry into service.

16/06/2022Press Release:
Second Beechcraft Denali successfully completes first flight, expanding flight test program to two aircraft
The Beechcraft Denali first flight.

Beechcraft Denali begins flight test program

The Beechcraft Denali prototype, powered by a GE Catalyst engine, reached an altitude of 15,600 feet and a speed of 180 knots during the two hour and 50 minute first flight. Certification is anticipated in 2023.

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