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Bombardier Challenger 300 series | Airframer | Bombardier Inc.

21/05/2023Press Release:
Bombardier achieves important milestones on EcoJet research project, continues industry-defining work toward sustainable aviation
05/05/2023Press Release:
Bombardier launches Iridium Certus connectivity service as baseline feature on Challenger 3500 aircraft

Bombardier's latest Challenger features autothrottle as standard

The latest incarnation of the Challenger 350 is known as the 3500. It will feature a host of new creature comforts for passengers and some interesting features for pilots.

25/06/2014Press Release:
Bombardier receives FAA certification for the Challenger 350 aircraft
13/06/2014Press Release:
Bombardier's Challenger 350 jet receives Transport Canada certification

Showing the most recent five of 8 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.