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Gulfstream G700/G800 | Engines | Rolls-Royce Deutschland

The G700 features the most spacious cabin in the industry and can fly 6,650 nautical miles/12,316 kilometers at Mach 0.90 or 7,750 nm/14,353 km at Mach 0.85, and its maximum operating speed of Mach 0.935 makes it the fastest aircraft in the Gulfstream fleet.

Pearl engine earns certification from FAA

During the comprehensive indoor and outdoor test programme, the engine demonstrated its performance operating at sea-level and altitude conditions on both conventional jet fuel and 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel.

20/09/2022Press Release:
Rolls-Royce Pearl 700 receives EASA type certification
04/10/2021Press Release:
The Pearl 700 engines have been purposely-designed for Gulfstream for the G700 and G800 programs. (Photo: Rolls-Royce)
Rolls-Royce Pearl 700 to power new Gulfstream G800
14/02/2020Press Release:
Most powerful Rolls-Royce business aviation engines take to the skies for the first time
22/10/2019Press Release:
Rolls-Royce unveils new Pearl engine family member for business aviation