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Toray Composite Materials America, Inc.
Toray Composite Materials America, Inc.
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COMAC C919 | Engines | CFM International Inc.

05/05/2017Press Release:
CFM LEAP-1C powered COMAC C919 completes successful maiden flight
23/07/2015Press Release:
CFM delivers first LEAP-1C to COMAC
09/10/2014Press Release:
CFM's LEAP engine takes to the skies
16/09/2014Press Release:
Snecma (Safran) and RTI International Metals sign titanium aluminide supply agreement for LEAP engine program
26/03/2014Press Release:
GE Aviation selects Indiana for $100 million jet engine assembly factory

Showing the most recent five of 21 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.