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Airbus A220 | Airframe Assemblies | Spirit AeroSystems Belfast


Boeing set to acquire Spirit in $8.3 billion transaction

Boeing will acquire Spirit AeroSystems, while Airbus aims to bring the business's production of A350 fuselage sections, the A220’s wings and A220 pylons in-house under its ownership.

30/10/2020Press Release:
Spirit AeroSystems completes acquisition of select assets of Bombardier Aerostructures and Aftermarket Services businesses
19/08/2014Press Release:
TAI delivers first Bombardier C Series FTE
20/01/2014Press Release:
Bombardier selects Moog Aerospace test system for full scale structural test on advanced carbon fibre wing
14/01/2013Press Release:
GKN Aerospace delivers first winglet set for Bombardier CSeries aircraft

Showing the most recent five of 13 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.