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Eurofighter Typhoon | Engines | Eurojet Turbo GmbH

11/11/2020Press Release:
General Miguel Ángel Martín Pérez, General Manager of NETMA, and Gerhard Bähr, CEO of EUROJET signed a contract for provision of new EJ200 engines to the German Air Force. (Photo: EUROJET)
EUROJET signs contract with NETMA for provision of 56 new EJ200 engines for the German Air Force
05/12/2007Press Release:
Successful completion of Tranche 2 EJ200 engine flight test
30/11/2007Press Release:
EuroJet delivers 400th EJ200 engine
01/10/2007Press Release:
Successful flight tests of Tranche II EJ200 engine performed
16/07/2007Press Release:
First Tranche II EJ200 engine delivered for Eurofighter Typhoon

Showing the most recent five of 6 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.