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Toray Composite Materials America, Inc.
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COMAC C919 | Electrical Power Systems | Collins Aerospace, Electric Power Systems

12/11/2014Press Release:
UTC Aerospace Systems completes production of the first set of electric systems for COMAC C919 aircraft
15/04/2014Press Release:
UTC Aerospace Systems and AVIC EM open electric system joint venture facility in Xi'an
31/07/2011Press Release:
Hamilton Sundstrand, AVIC EM lay cornerstone to mark start of production for C919 electric system
16/03/2011Press Release:
Hamilton Sundstrand, AVIC EM finalize joint venture agreement to develop the C919 Jetliner electric system
25/01/2011Press Release:
COMAC selects Hamilton Sundstrand to provide emergency power system

Showing the most recent five of 8 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.