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Eurofighter Typhoon | Weapons Systems | HENSOLDT Sensors GmbH

12/05/2023Press Release:
Preparations for testing close to operational requirements: Kalaetron Attack's AESA antenna on board a test aircraft.
HENSOLDT's Kalaetron Attack develops quickly
28/06/2022Press Release:
HENSOLDT jamming system proves effectiveness against radars of various types
Leonardo, which leads the development and delivery of the Typhoon’s ECRS Mk0 and ECRS Mk2 radars, will also deliver R&D work as well as key antenna, processor and APSC components for the HENSOLDT-led ECRS Mk1.

Contracts bring Leonardo to the heart of latest Typhoon radar

Leonardo is already the design authority for the ECRS Mk0 E-scan radar ordered by Kuwait and Qatar, the design of which underpins the ECRS Mk1, and is the design authority for the UK-led ECRS Mk2 radar.

11/05/2021Press Release:
HENSOLDT has been commissioned by the European EuroRADAR consortium to produce and deliver radar electronic components to the Quadriga program. (Photo: HENSOLDT)
HENSOLDT to deliver radar electronics for 'Quadriga' Eurofighters
03/05/2021Press Release:
HENSOLDT has received a contract for the delivery of essential parts of the Eurofighter/Typhoon’s ‘PRAETORIAN defensive aids sub system (DASS). (Photo: HENSOLDT)
HENSOLDT delivers core components to Eurofighter/Typhoon self-protection system

Showing the most recent five of 6 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.