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Airbus A350 | Airframe Assemblies | Airbus Atlantic Colomiers (Toulouse) (was STELIA Aerospace Toulouse)

30/09/2011Press Release:
First A350 XWB nose fuselage delivered by Aerolia
22/06/2011Press Release:
Aerolia gives the A350 XWB its "face" and produces the wider angular sector
29/11/2010Press Release:
Aerolia inaugurates its Composites Unit at Méaulte
19/07/2010Press Release:
ATK delivers first shipments of composite components for the Airbus A350 XWB commercial airliner fuselage
07/07/2010Press Release:
A350 XWB. Composites & Metals. Aerolia: the right mix

Showing the most recent five of 8 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.