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Lilium Lilium Jet | Airframer | Lilium GmbH

05/12/2024Press Release:
Lilium GmbH reports continuing momentum on the Lilium Jet commercial and test program, as KPMG-driven M&A process continues
05/11/2024Press Release:
Lilium launches M&A process with KPMG, targets program continuation towards first flight and certification
24/10/2024Press Release:
Lilium Board approves application for self-administration of German subsidiaries

Lilium powers on all-electric jet ahead of first flight

MSN 1 will be Lilium’s lab test aircraft, or “ironbird”. It will be a fully functional aircraft and key asset for the certification program, being used to prove safety of flight and compliance with airworthiness requirements.

17/07/2024Press Release:
Lilium reaffirms 2026 target for first customer deliveries and provides additional detail on testing program

Showing the most recent five of 38 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.