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Stratolaunch Talon-A | Airframer | Stratolaunch Systems Inc.

This first flight represents a major milestone in the development of the US's first privately funded, reusable hypersonic test capability.

Stratolaunch achieves first powered flight of TA-1 test vehicle

Primary objectives for the flight test included accomplishing safe air-launch release of the TA-1 vehicle, engine ignition, acceleration, sustained climb in altitude, and a controlled water landing.

09/03/2024Press Release:
Stratolaunch’s Talon-A1 prepares for flight powered by Ursa Major’s Hadley engine.
Ursa Major Hadley engine flies for the first time
24/02/2024Press Release:
Stratolaunch completes 2nd captive carry flight with TA-1 test vehicle
Stratolaunch's Roc launch platform and Talon-A 1 (TA-1) hypersonic testbed take off for their first integrated captive carry flight from Mojave Air and Space Port on Dec. 3, 2023.

Stratolaunch completes captive carry flight with TA-1 test vehicle

While the company had conducted several successful ground tests fueling and igniting the system, it needed to evaluate how the system performs in the flight environment prior to release.

13/05/2023Press Release:
Stratolaunch successfully releases the Talon-0 (TA-0) separation test vehicle from its Roc air launch platform on May 13, 2023.
Stratolaunch successfully completes separation test of Talon-A vehicle

Showing the most recent five of 14 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.