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Prismatic PHASA-35 | Airframer | Prismatic Ltd.

19/12/2024Press Release:
Solar powered aircraft achieves new stratospheric success
BAE Systems’ PHASA-35 aircraft during its first stratospheric flight.

Solar electric UAS reaches 66,000ft over New Mexico

The PHASA-35 programme sits within FalconWorks, a new centre for advanced and agile research and development within BAE Systems' Air sector, working on cutting-edge combat air capabilities.

17/02/2020Press Release:
BAE and Prismatic complete tests of solar powered PHASA-35.
Ground-breaking solar powered unmanned aircraft PHASA-35 makes first flight
10/09/2019Press Release:
Prismatic completes first two PHASA-35 HALE UAVs
03/05/2018Press Release:
Solar UAV to be developed with the potential to stay airborne for a year