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Dronamics Black Swan | Airframer | Dronamics

15/11/2023Press Release:
Strategic Development Fund and Dronamics announce agreement to create a manufacturing joint venture
We have lift-off.

Black Swan autonomous cargo drone takes off

The successful flight test validates the company's licensed cargo drone technology for commercial flights in Europe, set to begin later this year.

17/02/2023Press Release:
Dronamics raises $40 million in pre-Series A funding
24/11/2022Press Release:
Dronamics awarded 2.5 million Euros grant from the European Innovation Council for the roll-out of its cargo drone mobility solution
09/11/2022Press Release:
Dronamics and Cranfield Aerospace Solutions to develop hydrogen-fuel technology for cargo drones

Showing the most recent five of 9 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.