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Vaeridion Electric Microliner | Airframer | Vaeridion GmbH

19/12/2024Press Release:
Vaeridion raises €14 million to roll out its electric Microliner by 2030 and meet the urgent need to decarbonise short-haul flights

Vaeridion develops electric aircraft on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform

Dassault Systèmes and Vaeridion partnered in the Sustainable Aero Lab and the 3DEXPERIENCE Center in Hamburg and intensified activity as part of the TUM Venture Labs at the Technical University of Munich.

06/07/2024Press Release:
L-R: Ivor van Dartel (VÆRIDION Co-Founder & CEO), Dr. Sebastian Seemann (VÆRIDION Co-Founder & CTO), State Minister Dr. Florian Herrmann (MdL, Bavarian State Government), Jens Hofman (Bosch Holzkirchen Head of Site ITK CFO), Christoph Schmid (First Mayor of Holzkirchen).
Vaeridion opens battery lab in Bosch Collaboration Campus
CTO Dr Sebastian Seemann and the team have demonstrated that the mechanical decoupling of the electric engines fully works.

Vaeridion completes first functional validation of multi-engine propulsion concept

The test campaign validates the functional EPU behaviour for normal operation as well as engine failure conditions, demonstrating that engine power loss failures will not stop or interrupt propeller operation.

22/06/2023Press Release:
VÆRIDION Co-Founder and CEO Ivor van Dartel
Circularity of battery cells for eCTOL aircraft

Showing the most recent five of 7 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.