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Gulfstream G650

Manufacturing continues apace.

Gulfstream produces 1,000th aircraft wing in Savannah

In 2022, Gulfstream announced the expansion of its wing production facility as well as an expansion of G600, G500 and G400 manufacturing to meet growing customer demand.

02/08/2023Press Release:
Gulfstream G550 completes 1 millionth flight
21/05/2023Press Release:
Gulfstream G800 makes continental debut
26/09/2022Press Release:
Gulfstream delivers 500th aircraft in G650 family
26/09/2022Press Release:
Rolls-Royce delivers 1,000th BR725 engine to Gulfstream

Showing the most recent five of 108 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.