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Bell 412EP

03/12/2024Press Release:
Subaru Bell 412EPX earns EASA certification
27/06/2022Press Release:
Cockpit view with test pilots supervising the autonomous landing in between obstacles.
NRC researchers conduct one of the first completely autonomous flights of a helicopter in Canada
20/05/2021Press Release:
The Subaru Bell 412 EPX. (Photo: Subaru)
Subaru new helicopter Subaru Bell 412 EPX starts delivery

Bell signs five-year deal for Triumph helicopter flight controls

As a major supplier to Bell, Triumph Mechanical Solutions has been contracted to provide mechanical flight controls for the 429, 412 and 407 models on an indefinite quantity basis.

21/02/2020Press Release:
Astronautics provides Badger Pro+ Integrated Flight Display System for Subaru Bell 412EPX

Showing the most recent five of 20 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.