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Cessna Citation M2

The Cessna Citation CJ4 Gen3 prototype.

Textron's CJ4 Gen3 prototype takes first flight

The team evaluated the new avionics systems, along with the propulsion, environmental and flight control systems, during the 1 hour and 47 minute flight.

21/10/2024Press Release:
Cessna Citation CJ3 Gen3
Textron Aviation soars into NBAA-BACE as it unveils the next generation of Cessna Citation business jets - the CJ4 Gen3, CJ3 Gen3 and M2 Gen3
The Garmin Autothrottle aboard the Cessna Citation M2 Gen2.

Garmin earns applications for G3000's autothrottle

Garmin Autothrottles enhances the Citation M2 Gen2 and Embraer 300E's capabilities by optimising engine power, simplifying flight management and increasing overall operating efficiency.

04/04/2022Press Release:
Guy Stockbridge, owner of Elite Team Offices, accepts the keys to his new M2 Gen2 from Textron Aviation Regional Sales Director Natalie Stadelman. (Photo: Textron)
First Cessna Citation M2 Gen2 enters into service following FAA certification
The next generation Cessna Citation M2 Gen2and Cessna Citation XLS Gen2 business jets.

Textron enhances cabins for next generation of M2 and XLS

The Citation XLS Gen2 includes a pedestal seat design to enhance comfort, while the MS Gen2 has improved the technology offering such as wireless charging capabilities at each cabin seat.

Showing the most recent five of 24 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.