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Dassault 8X

22/06/2023Press Release:
Honeywell's Aspire 350 selected for Dassault Falcon fleet
04/05/2023Press Release:
Dassault celebrates 60 years of Falcon business jets, as advanced new models prepare to take the stage
17/10/2022Press Release:
Dassault EASy IV flight deck to enhance situational awareness and aircraft operations for new and in-service Falcons
Four eyes are better than two, when it comes to head-up vision aboard the Falcon 8X.

Dual HUD gains approval aboard the Falcon 8X

The dual HUD on the Falcon 10X will take the dual HUD configuration to an even more advanced level, freeing pilots to configure the instrument panel's primary flight display for other uses.

26/10/2021Press Release:
Dassault Aviation selects INGENIO Aerospace to provide electronic flight bag solutions for Falcon business jets

Showing the most recent five of 28 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.