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H2FLY’s HY4 electric demonstrator aircraft flying above Maribor, Slovenia, powered by liquid hydrogen.

HY4 makes first piloted flight of liquid hydrogen aircraft

In 2024, H2FLY will open its Hydrogen Aviation Center at Stuttgart Airport, as a focal point for the future of Europe's aviation industry, providing fuel cell aircraft integration facilities and liquid hydrogen infrastructure.


Hydrogen aircraft completes first on-ground coupling to supply

The successful coupling tests are a step toward the upcoming ground and flight test campaign when the HY4 is expected to be the first passenger aircraft to fly with liquid hydrogen and fuel cells.

19/06/2023Press Release:
H2FLY announces the development of a new generation of fuel cell system for commercial aircraft
05/04/2023Press Release:
H2FLY passes first filling tests with integrated liquid hydrogen tank
20/07/2022Press Release:
Hydrogen-electric aviation leader H2FLY accelerates progress towards zero-emission commercial flight

Showing the most recent five of 10 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.