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BAE Tempest

Recycled material from the Tornado has been used to produce new compressor blades and a nose cone for the Orpheus engine.

Rolls-Royce recycles Tornado parts for 3D-printed components

The Tornado 2 Tempest project has successfully converted surplus military components into powdered metal for additive manufacturing in the UK’s Future Combat Air System.

12/07/2023Press Release:
TT Electronics awarded team Tempest contract from BAE Systems
14/06/2023Press Release:
UK industry reveals advanced technologies for next generation flying combat air demonstrator

Leonardo delivers prototype radar for latest Typhoon

The ECRS Mk2 will equip pilots with the ability to locate, identify and suppress enemy air defences, a powerful combination of capabilities that will increase the Eurofighter Typhoon's lethality and survivability

The Tempest.

UK MoD invests to progress technology for Tempest

The UK Tempest partners, working in close collaboration with the MoD, will now progress the maturity of more than 60 cutting-edge technology demonstrations, digital concepts and new technologies.

Showing the most recent five of 27 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.