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Volocopter VoloRegion

01/11/2022Press Release:
VoloCity prototype flight testing in Germany
Volocopter raises additional USD 182 million in second signing of series e-financing round
The prototype completed its first flight in May after just 17 months in the making.

Volocopter's four-seat contender makes first flight

Within the first three test flights, the VoloConnect team was able to verify a significant portion of the eVTOL's envelope with forward speeds up to 40 mph and 28 mph sideward flight speeds during tests.

15/02/2022Press Release:
Volocopter partners with Economic Development Board and JTC Corporation. From left to right: Tay Yun Yuan, Skyport’s Head of Asia Pacific; Tan Boon Khai, JTC’s Chief Executive Officer; Ling Yuan Chun, EDB’s Vice President and Head of Division for Mobility; Christian Bauer, Volocopter’s Chief Commercial Officer. (Photo: JTC)
Seletar Aerospace Park to support Advanced Air Mobility growth
14/02/2022Press Release:
Volocopter expects to generate SGD 4.18 billion for Singapore by 2030
22/09/2021Press Release:
Volocopter announces a joint venture with Geely's Aerofugia. Officials pressing the launch mechanism on stage to officiate the set-up of JV. Left to right: Jing chao, Chairman of Volocopter Chengdu, Ingrid Delfs Consul of the German Consulate General in Chengdu, Xu Zhihao, CEO of Geely Technology Group, Guo Liang, CEO of Volocopter Chengdu. (Photo: Volocopter Chengdu Technology Co. LTD)
Volocopter and Geely joint venture orders 150 Volocopter aircraft

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