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JetZero BWB Demonstrator

The proposed BWB demonstrator.

JetZero harnesses major suppliers for demonstrator's flight control

BAE Systems, Moog, Safran, Thales and Woodward will all contribute technology to the Flight Control System on the JetZero full-scale blended wing body (BWB) demonstrator.

13/08/2024Press Release:
Alaska Airlines announces investment in JetZero to propel innovative aircraft technology and design.
Alaska Airlines announces investment in JetZero to propel innovative aircraft technology and design
Jet Zero has selected Pratt & Whitney GTF engines to power the demonstrator.

Air Force investment boosts development of BWB project

JetZero is collaborating with Northrop Grumman and Scaled Composites to build and test a full-scale demonstrator of its blended wing body aircraft design, scheduled to fly by 2027.