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Epic E1000 GX

12/12/2023Press Release:
Epic Aircraft announces ANAC approval in Brazil for the E1000 GX
05/12/2023Press Release:
Epic Aircraft announces FIKI certification
15/07/2021Press Release:
The new E1000 GX is equipped with Garmin GFC 700 Automated Flight Control System and Hartzell 5-Blade Composite Propeller. (Photo: Epic Aircraft)
Epic Aircraft receives FAA approvals for the E1000 GX
24/09/2020Press Release:
AeroMech completes RVSM certification for one of the fastest ever single engine aircraft, Epic E1000
Epic Aircraft has finally received FAA Production Certification for its E1000.

Epic gains production certificate for the E1000 turboprop

A long certification process, interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, has now been concluded, and Epic now has plans to further accelerate its production schedules.

Showing the most recent five of 18 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.