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Air Tractor AT-802

L3Harris has integrated its mission management system along with a wide range of military sensors, communications equipment, and weapons systems into the G3000 touch screen human machine interface (HMI).

Armed Overwatch candidate features Garmin G3000

L3Harris' Sky Warden platform, which is based on the Air Tractor AT-802, includes the first forward-fit deployable combat aircraft featuring Garmin's G3000 tandem integrated flight deck.

04/10/2022Press Release:
ZMicro will provide rugged computing solutions for the AT-802U Sky Warden planes that L3Harris provides U.S. Special Operations Command's Armed Overwatch program.
L3Harris chooses ZMicro rugged computers for its Sky Warden planes for USSOCOM Armed Overwatch Program
06/05/2021Press Release:
Sky Warden is based on the rugged and capable Air Tractor AT-802, which features the largest payload capacity of any single turbo engine aircraft.
L3Harris Technologies and Air Tractor announce Sky Warden ISR strike aircraft
16/07/2018Press Release:
Air Tractor and L3 add BAE Systems sensor technology to AT-802L Longsword options
16/07/2010Press Release:
New Air Tractor 802U surveillance aircraft flies across the Atlantic to Farnborough Airshow

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