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02/08/2023Press Release:
The combined efforts of Bearhawk and DeltaHawk will break new ground in the piston aircraft market.
Bearhawk 4-place aircraft available with DeltaHawk engine option
07/11/2022Press Release:
Bearhawk Model 5 first flight of first kit-built aircraft
07/10/2021Press Release:
The Bearhawk Model 5 is a bigger version of the four place Bearhawk. (Photo: Bearhawk)
Bearhawk Aircraft to increase production to meet demand
An Idaho-based Bearhawk Model B with IO-540 Lycoming engine.

Bearhawk celebrates first flight and delivery milestones

The Model 5 is the only 6-seat purpose-built kit aircraft on the market, and the first in the line-up of Bearhawk aircraft to use a 300-horsepower engine. Its first customers have started construction.

21/05/2020Press Release:
The Bearhawk 5 prototype. (Photo: Bearhawk)
Bearhawk Aircraft introduces 6-place aircraft

Showing the most recent five of 9 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.