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Bell completes tunnel testing to validate stop/fold jet transition

Building upon the previous folding rotor testing, the wind tunnel program validated the stability and control of the aircraft through the rotor fold and unfold sequence in flight.

09/12/2024Press Release:
OptiQuiver‘s versatility that combines the capabilities of many legacy tools ensures reliability in wavefront measurement, active lens alignment, bore sighting, and lens characterization.
Quartus Engineering announces launch of OptiQuiver and SPIE Prism Award nomination
26/11/2024Press Release:
New AMRC innovation facility completes construction work
25/11/2024Press Release:
Nominal awarded U.S. Air Force SBIR Phase 2 contract to enhance hypersonic systems development
06/11/2024Press Release:
Dynamic Motion Simulation Center: The Dynamic Motion Simulation Center (DMSC) at DLR's site in Oberpfaffenhofen consists of three motion simulators and enables particularly realistic flight and driving simulations. The simulators can be used for a variety of purposes, including pilot training, the development of mixed reality technologies, control engineering, or studies into human factors, such as motion sickness or human responsiveness.
Unrivalled facility for flight and driving simulations: the Dynamic Motion Simulator Center

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