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New hybrid aircraft completes first in-flight transition
Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Australian company, StopRotor Technology Pty Ltd has completed ongoing flight tests on their Hybrid RotorWing prototype after launching their idea earlier this year.

The aircraft prototype has successfully demonstrated in-flight transition between fixed and rotary wing modes by unlocking and spinning up its RotorWing. The RotorWing can act as a rotating wing or a fixed wing depending on the mode of flight (helicopter or aeroplane) required.

Company founder and inventor, Rowan Watkins said “This first in-flight transition from fixed wing to rotary wing aircraft demonstrates the core elements of the design function and is a key milestone in our development.”

The patented design offers the industry a unique combination of aircraft attributes overcoming existing limitations in both rotary and fixed wing aircraft.

Hybrid prototypes have now demonstrated successful flight tests in the following core areas:

- Fixed wing flight including take off and landing

- Rotary wing flight including take off, landing and hover

- Fixed and rotary flight in the transition profile

- Fixed to rotary wing in-flight conversion

The Hybrid RotorWing is a completely new aircraft platform that will take off, hover and land like a helicopter and fly as fast as a plane.

The elegant design is intrinsically simple building on existing technology and maintaining common fail safe operations.

Spokes person for the company Deanne Watkins said “Our objectives are to continue development and seek collaboration with aerospace industry companies to explore the full potential of the StopRotor concept.”

Contact details from our directory:
StopRotor Technology Pty Ltd Airframer
Related aircraft programs:
StopRotor Hybrid RotorWing