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Qarbon Aerospace selected by LIFT Aircraft Inc. to perform complete system integration and assembly for LIFT’s eVTOL aircraft, HEXA, at the Qarbon facility in Red Oak, Texas
Monday, 21 June 2021

Qarbon Aerospace, Inc. (Qarbon Aerospace) announced an agreement with LIFT Aircraft Inc. to perform complete system integration and assembly for LIFT's eVTOL aircraft, HEXA, at the Qarbon Aerospace manufacturing facility in Red Oak, Texas. "This integration and assembly work expands upon the strong existing relationship between Qarbon Aerospace and the LIFT Aircraft team. The Qarbon Aerospace Thailand facility, (Qarbon Aerospace Thailand Ltd.) currently manufactures the carbon fibre structure for HEXA. In addition to this system integration and assembly agreement, Qarbon Aerospace will perform supply chain sourcing for the aircraft, making the Tier 1 aerospace supplier the end-to-end manufacturer of the LIFT HEXA aircraft. This program is another great example of the versatility and capability of the Qarbon Aerospace team, and we are very proud that LIFT has placed their confidence in us to support them as the manufacturer of choice for their first-to-market eVTOL aircraft,” said Pete Wick, CEO of Qarbon Aerospace, Inc.

Contact details from our directory:
Qarbon Aerospace (Foundation) Thrust Reversers, Fuselage Sections, Nacelles, Wings, Empennages, Final Assembly, Supply Chain Management, Ice Protection/Prevention Equipment
Lift Aircraft Inc. Airframer
Qarbon Aerospace (Thailand) Composite Sandwich Panels, Foam Core Composites, Ultrasonic Testing, Carbon-reinforced Composites, Composite Broad Goods Lay-Up, Composite Manufacturing Services, Composite Moulding, Composite Structures, Electromechanical Assembly, Honeycomb Core Composites, Subcontracted Composite Parts, Anodizing Services
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